Sometimes factories take an extensive amount of time to ship certain items to us. It's likely that the remaining items in your order are out of stock if its been over 10 business days since you've ordered.
Just incase if your original items are out of stock, please provide us with a screenshot of what you'd like as a replacement.
The item(s) must be of equal or less value of the item that is out of stock. Please also be sure to mention the size(s).
Our products ship from China. Processing will take anywhere from 2-10 business days after your order has been placed and delivery will take anywhere from 5-15 business days after your package has been shipped.
However the average processing time is 4-7 business days and average shipping time is 8-12 business days.
Please note that business days do not include weekends or holidays.
This allows our team to carefully package and prepare your order for shipment after they've been delivered to our warehouse from the factory.
However, there are instances where processing can take an additional 7 days if there are items that need to be produced by our factories.
Tracking numbers are automatically sent to your inbox after your packages ship.
We truly apologize if the wait time has felt longer than expected. However, we'd like you to kindly keep in mind that your packages ship from China which is across the globe.
We are very likely still within our mentioned processing and shipping times.
Please read our shipping terms thoroughly for a proper understanding!
Firstly, check your inbox for updates by searching the term "Shenhype" incase you missed out on our updates.
If you have no email saying "your order is on the way", it means the order has not been shipped, it's still processing.
If you received an email with a tracking number, it means your order is on the way. It will take upwards of 15 days before seeing updates on the tracking.
Processing will take anywhere from 2-10 business days after your order has been placed and delivery will take anywhere from 5-15 business days after your package has been shipped.
We encourage you to look at the dates of when your order has been placed / shipped and to afterwards count the days onwards. Business days are Mon-Fri only.
Your package is not stuck or lost. Our products are shipped overseas from China.
After our products are shipped, your local post office will then print a shipping label while they await for your package to make it to them.
The tracking will only show that your shipping label has been printed in your local area until your package makes it to the United States.
This means while your package is in China, there will be no updates. This means when your package is in transit overseas, there will be no updates.
After your package lands in the United States, you will then start to get updates on the exact whereabouts of the package.
We advise customers to use our track order page here Please refrain from using "Shop app".
Until updates appear, the tracking will only show "Info received".
It will take upwards of 15 days before seeing updates.